Todesanzeige von John Arthur ISKENDERIAN-ALEX




God has created one more angel to watch over us.

In the most loving memory of

* 01. May 1933 (Bethlehem) † 16. March 2016 (Davos)

who has left us on 16 March 2016.

The family Iskenderian-Alex, Van Marcke and Vartanian will be honored to have you with us on

Monday, 21 March at 1:30pm
Reformierte Kirche Greifensee
Im Städtli, 8606 Greifensee

to give our last goodbyes to our most beloved husband, father, grand-father, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend, John Arthur Iskenderian-Alex.

We miss him so much.

God bless his soul and God bless you all.

in loving memory:
Dalita Iskenderian,
Arthur Alexander-Alex,
Marie-Dalia van Marcke,
Alexia Iskenderian-Alex

* * * * * *

Biography of
1 May 1933 Bethlehem – 16 March 2016 Davos

A lion’s heart, charismatic like a king, mer Takavor, “Magic Armenian” pure like a waterfall, a will as strong as the wall of China, a man of so many stories that it makes anyone’s head spin.

The son of an Armenian college professor, Artor Iskenderian, John Iskenderian-Alex, his 3 younger brothers and 2 little sisters grew up in Palestine. Due to the political turmoil of the region, the family left Palestine in 1948 to establish themselves first in Bolivia then in Brazil, where they spent the next 18 years of their lives.

John’s dreams were manifold: to watch over his father, whom he cherished and loved, his brothers and sisters and to one day, when the time was right, marry the most beautiful and inspiring woman and give her a home, children and a bright future.

He continued doing all of that when he met Dalita Vartanian in February of 1969. With just one all-encompassing glimpse at each other, those two pure souls gave the eternal promise to be there for each other in good and bad times, and hence got married on 15 February 1969 in Beirut, Lebanon, just two weeks after their first twinkling encounter.

Some say “love at first sight”, some say “the perfect match”, Hafiz would probably refer to it as “the river of wine that lead to one’s fulfillment of destiny”. Whichever one it was, John & Dalita sailed the seas, the continents, the countries searching for and establishing their perfect home, creating the fruit of their love Arthur (Kobe, Japan 1969), Marie Dalia (Kobe, Japan 1972) and Alexia (Beirut, Lebanon, 1975) and making the best out of the soil they had decided to call home. Whether in Japan, Lebanon, China, the USA, or Switzerland where John finally decided to establish with his family in 1978, John digged, searched, improved, increased and mostly lived every day fully. A man of the greatest deeds, greatest ideas and business endeavors; never for one single day missing out on geniusness, businessmanhood, creativity, great strength, hard labor, humor and endless love for life. When life changing decisions were to be made, John always chose the oneness of his family over economic grandeur.

He was so proud of his Armenian heritage and carried its tradition like no other. He called Switzerland his home, Zurich his canton, Greifensee his hometown. He gave to Confederatia Helvetica what he had most precious; his family, his children, his grand-children and despite the many turmoils, never stopped loving this beautiful country.

John had five big love stories: Jesus (whom he fought with a lot), Dalita his eternal love (whom he also fought with quite a bit), his children (the apple of his eyes), the pearls, the source of his lifelong business and his violin (his meditative love).

His biography would not be complete without mentioning his unique and tremendous contribution to the pearl industry of the past 60 year; his devotion and belief in it marked a page in history.

In him live not only his children, Arthur, Marie-Dalia and Alexia but his grand-children, Sara, Jean, Deian, Ulysse, Nayree, Marie-Angélique and Aimé Élie. They all carry in him a lion’s heart, the charism of a king, a Takavor, “Magic Armenian” the purity of a waterfall, a will as strong as the wall of China and surely a life so beautiful that it would make anyone’s head spin.

May you rest in peace, my husband, my Johnsan, my love; my father, Pa, Papi, babigue, paps, my grand-father, mez papa, gross papi; our love, our backbone, the head of the family Iskenderian-Alex.

We love you so much and will be missing you with every second that God will grant us.

The family